The following courses are offered in France. Click an item to expand or collapse it.
Advanced Composition - FREN321
Techniques of text analysis, development of vocabulary, and sentence structures through written exercises. Introduction to argumentation and registers. Required: Concurrent enrollment in FREN341 and 351. (4qh credits)
Advanced Composition I - FREN322
An advanced course, developing the writing techniques with training and practice in continuity to the courses FREN342 and FREN332, and introducing the idea of different language levels. (2qh credits | offered Summer)
Advanced Composition II - FREN422
Development of literary techniques: guided literary analysis of selected texts; summary writing. Substitute course to FREN322 for more advanced students. (2qh credits | offered Summer)
Advanced Comprehension Listening I and II - FEN451, 452
Preparation for the DELF B2 and DALF. Listening comprehension with written exercises. Techniques of taking notes followed by oral reports. Independent learning in the multimedia laboratory. (4, 4qh credits)
Advanced Grammar - FREN341
Study of syntax, voices, modes, verb tenses, and agreement. Advanced spelling practice. (4qh credits)
Advanced Grammar - FREN342
This is a foundation course for the upper division program. It introduces sentence syntax, use of the different voices, modes, and tenses of the verbs. It presents the functions and the agreements of the nominal and verbal groups as well as the different linking words. Numerous exercises. (2qh credits | offered Summer)
Advanced Listening, Comprehension and Speaking - FREN351
Practical oral activities to boost knowledge and communication. Complements FREN321 & 341. (4qh credits)
Advanced Literary Studies I - FREN362
Study of a variety of texts about current events and civilization, or representing different literary styles. Study of the techniques of text analysis, development of vocabulary and knowledge of language structures through required written exercises. (2qh credits | offered Summer)
Advanced Literary Studies II - FREN462
Intensive study of a masterpiece of French Literature, its author, and its importance in its literary period. (2qh credits | offered Summer)
Advanced Literary Techniques I - FREN412
Required for the preparation of the DALF C1. Development of literary techniques such as guided literary analysis, summary writing, and synthesis. (4qh credits)
Advanced Literary Techniques II - FREN413
This course is to improve the comprehension of specialized articles in view of using them methodically to create syntheses of documents. The analysis of texts as well as the use of reduction techniques through a variety of exercises are done in class. Some of the texts studied are used for a specific graded written production. Standard correct versions of the exercise will be given by the teacher at the end of the study of each text. (4qh credits)
Advanced Oral Expression - FREN352
Development of comprehension and oral expression skills through listening exercises, both audio and video, and role play. The student gains practice in the use of typically French dictums, proverbs, and expressions. Free access to the multimedia laboratory permits autonomous, individual learning of the different language levels (familiar, everyday, formal) (2qh credits | offered Summer)
Applied Music - MUPF101, 202, 303
Individual lessons. An additional fee must be paid directly to the school. (1, 1, 1qh credits)
Art - ART361
Study of selected works representative of different periods of French painting through personal works, visits of art galleries and exhibits. (2qh credits)
Beginning French - FREN102
Discovery of various characters in iconographic and real documents. This permits the acquisition and assimilation of a vocabulary of spoken language through a variety of rich, complementary subjects. The student will understand and acquire suitable language to express feelings, attitudes and behavior in a wide range of situations. (3qh credits | offered Summer)
Beginning Listening, Comprehension and Speaking - FREN151
Practical and enriching oral activities to boost knowledge and communication. Complements FREN121, 131
(4qh credits)
Beginning Oral Expression - FREN152
This course permits the development of comprehension and oral expression with the aid of exercises such as reading, role play, presentations, listening activities with audio and video, study of a song, study of a picture, and simple discussion on questions about daily life. The students are encouraged to continue their study alone by using the audiovisual facilities freely available in the multimedia center. (3qh credits | offered Summer)
Business French - FREN/BUAD444, 445
This course focuses on the acquisition of lexical and linguistic knowledge involving Business French. This allows the student to constantly practice the appropriate use of the language of economics. Students will work with numerous audio-visual, real-life situations, and documents. (2, 2qh credits)
Campus Choir - MUPF136, 137, 138
Participation in all concerts and trips is required. Entrance is by audition. Change of level every term. Repertoire: Classical music of varied difficulty. (1, 1, 1qh credits)
Communication Through the French Media - FREN/COMM346, 347
Introduction to French media, both traditional (TV, radio, press) and contemporary forms (Internet, social media). Analysis of various written and oral texts with focus on French thought and style of discourse. FREN/COMM346 is prerequisite for FREN/COMM347. (2, 2qh credits)
Comprehension and Written Expression - FREN121
Based on passages about daily life taken from the textbook, the course develops the understanding of the implicit and explicit content and the broadening of vocabulary and grammatical abilities. Secondly, it gives the fundamentals of written communication through written work in which knowledge and style are put into practice. (4qh credits)
European Institutions - FREN/PLSC374
Study of the histrical stages in the construction of the European Union from the beginning of the 20th century until the present day. Its real economic, social, and legal role. A visit to a parliamentary session in Strasbourg, if it is sitting during the period of the course, is included. (2qh credits)
France and its History - FREN/HIST457, 458
Preparation for the DELF B2 and the DALF. Discovery of the important events during a specific period in the history of France and the results which have left their mark and had an impact on the social, political and cultural heritage. Authentic documents, characteristic of the period, will provide the base for study of linguistic elements, technical analysis, and text methodology. (2, 2qh credits)
France in WWII - HIST/FREN357
Collonges' campus had an important role in the rescue of several Jews during WWII. Traces of this period abound near our campus and will definitely bring the many stories back to life in particular ways. The lessons in this course are emphasized by field trips to important sites of WWII. (2qh credits)
French Cuisine - FREN/HMEC110
This course offers a survey of selected traditional French cooking recipes and a study of their context, geographically and socially, in terms of French culture. Acquisition of culinary vocabulary and the art of etiquette. (2qh credits)
French Culture & Society II - FREN/SOCI440
Through a study of the geography of France, its economy, politics, and administrative organization, this course offers the possibility to see the similarities and differences between France and other countries and facilitates integration into another social and cultural environment. Prerequisite: FREN340 (2, 2qh credits)
French Culture and Society I - FREN/SOCI340
Through a study of general sociological concepts or themes, this course studies the changes and social trends in the French society. It offers the opportunity to broaden lexical and linguistic knowledge. (2qh credits)
French Fine Arts and Monuments - FREN/ART273, 373
Cultural trips will be prepared in class and a research file will be put together. Trip to visit prestigious museums and famous monuments and discover France's architectural heritage. Option open to all. Offered the first and last terms. May not be repeated. (1, 1qh credits)
French for Health Professionals - FREN105
Course designed for students working or training to work in health care. (2qh credits)
French Literature - FREN487, 488
This course introduces students to a panorama of French literature. The course book helps students grasp the principal literary currents and the writers associated with them, while reading memorable extracts of literary works. (2, 2qh credits)
French Songs - FREN/MUHL241, 242
Study of traditional and current French songs as an introduction to music, culture, and current events. (2, 2qh credits)
General Fitness Program - PEAC101, 102, 103
Classes may vary upon demand of the students. (1, 1, 1qh credits)
History of the Reformation Movement - HIST/FREN/RELH387
Geneva is one of the privileged places where we can see traces of the reformation movement. A study of the major reformer movements and their impact on our post-modern society will be led through readings and discussions. The lessons will come to life through some field trips to important sites of different reformation movements. (2qh credits)
Independent Reading - FREN269, 369
Based on a written agreement between the teacher and the student. The main requirement is the choise and reading of a selected topic, adapted to the student's language level (vocabulary, grammar), and the presentation of a reading report at the end of term. (1, 1qh credits)
Independent Study - FREN495
Based on a written agreement between the teacher and the student. (1-3qh credits)
Intensive Beginning French - FREN191
Alternative course offered during the first quarter in place of FREN121, 131, 151
(12qh credits)
Intensive Beginning French - FREN192
Course offered during the summer, as an alternative to FREN102, 122, and 132. (6qh credits | offered Summer)
Intensive Intermediate French - FREN291
Course offered during the first and second quarters, in place of FREN221, 231, 251. (12qh credits)
Intensive Intermediate French - FREN292
Course offered during the summer, as an alternative to the courses FREN 202, 222, 232, or 262. (7qh credits | offered Summer)
Intermediate Composition - FREN222
This course introduces the techniques of descriptive and narrative writing with training and practice. It consists of focused exercises and written work stressing sentence construction and the verb tenses. (2qh credits | offered Summer)
Intermediate French - FREN202
This course consists of listening and guided reading of a comic strip. The story makes the student aware of the communication dimension of the language as well as the varied ways of speaking (accents, language levels, usage) which correspond with different social backgrounds. Different points of grammar are also studied. (2qh credits | offered Summer)
Intermediate Listening, Comprehension and Speaking - FREN251
Practical oral activities to boost knowledge and communication. Complements FREN221, 231 (4qh credits)
Intermediate Oral Expression - FREN252
After the discovery and learning of basic vocabulary and structures, the different themes touched on form the subject of participatory activities, which give the student the opportunity to explore the cultural dimension of the language. Discussion of poems, reading of paintings, research and presentations, debates, investigation, and observation. The students' comprehension and oral expression is also developed by the use of audiovisual documents as well as role play, speaking, and recitations. (2qh credits | offered Summer)
Intermediate Reading and Composition - FREN221
Written communication based on reading of various texts. Introduces techniques of description and narrative writing. Focused exercises and written work stressing sentence construction and the verb tenses. Preparation for A2 written expression. (4qh credits)
International Organizations - FREN/PLSC375
Course on the history and role of the United Nations organization and other international organizations which are situated in Geneva (UNO, READ CROSS, ECO, WHO, NGO, and others). Guided visits are scheduled. (2qh credits)
Internship - FREN397
Offers students and opportunity to have a linguistic experience in a professional environment. Credit for job site, written and oral reports. Internship credit must be included in the maximum total of 18 quarter hours. (1-3qh credits)
Language Through Drama - FREN378, 478
Use of French culture through theatre will help to develop good diction, articulation, expression of feelings, and also clarity and coherence in the organization of speech. (2, 2qh credits)
Morphology and Syntax I - FREN441
A grammar course presenting the advanced functions of the noun, the use of the modes and the tenses, particular sentence constructions, nominal and verbal transformations, direct and indirect style, prepositions. (4qh credits)
Morphology and Syntax II - FREN442
Study of the complex sentence. Noun clauses, infinitive clauses, relative clauses, lining clauses. Use of the subjunctive and conjunctive linking words. Prerequisite: FREN441. (4qh credits)
Mountain Climbing - PEAC225, 226, 227
Students will be professionally trained in basic techniques and safety skills, progressing to self-sufficiency in climbing on indoor walls. No previous experience required. Additional fee applied. (1, 1, 1qh credits)
Orthography - FREN332
Systematic learning and practice of the rules of spelling and grammar and their application in numerous written exercises. This course contributes to the mastery of the written language and the discovery of the etymology of the words. (1qh credits | offered Summer)
Phonetics - FREN111
Introduction of International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) for French pronunciation in order to be able to differentiate and reproduce French sounds.
(2qh credits)
Prep for the French National Diploma DELF B1 - FREN365
An intensive training of four linguistic skills in French (listening, comprehension, speaking, and understanding) through regular mock exams and common corrections. Offered 3rd quarter only. (2qh credits)
Prep for the French National Diploma DELF B2 - FREN465
An intensive training of four linguistic skills in French (listening, comprehension, speaking, and understanding) through regular mock exams and common corrections. Offered third quarter only. (2qh credits)
Prep for the French National Diploma DELF C1 - FREN475
An intensive training of four linguistic skills in French (listening, comprehension, speaking, and understanding) through regular mock exams and common corrections. Offered third quarter only. (2qh credits)
Reading Comprehension - FREN262
This course is based on the lexical, syntactic, and grammatical study of varied, simple texts about modern life. It is effective preparation for written communication. Written exercises, explanation of texts, and French composition are introduced. The class develops the student's autonomy, which is necessary for the reinforcement of individual, silent reading habits. These skills are useful in the preparation of argumentation and the expression of opinions based on received information. (1qh credits | offered Summer)
Religion - FREN/RELG254, 354
This course is based on the use of varied documents (videos, written texts, statistical charts, comic strips, etc.), sharing of personal experience, and discussion of key Bible passages directly related to the chosen theme. (2, 2qh credits)
Ski and Snowboarding - PEAC230
Advanced professional training in winter spots in the heart of the Alps with native French students from the Mountain Sports department. Students will be accompanied as they perfect ski and snowboard skills. Additional fee applied. (1qh credits)
Spelling and Grammar - FREN131
This course highlights the acquisition of the rudimentary elements of grammar, spelling, conjugation, and French syntax. It offers the possibility to understand the mechanisms and functioning of the language in its written comprehension and expression in the context of daily life. Learning is obtained through alternating discovery, analysis, conceptualization, and real life situations. (4qh credits)
Spelling and Grammar - FREN231
This course develops the student’s knowledge of grammar, syntax, and spelling. The teaching method is either deductive (the rules are presented in a systematic way and applied in examples) or inductive (observation and study of a written document followed by deduction) by which the student is led to discover, by himself/herself, the rule which is then immediately applied in exercises. (4qh credits)
Spelling and Grammar - FREN132
This course highlights the acquisition of the rudimentary elements of grammar, spelling, conjugation, and French syntax. It offers the possibility to understand the mechanisms and functioning of the language in its written comprehension and expression in the context of daily life. Learning is done through alternating discovery, analysis, conceptualization, and real life situations. (1qh credits | offered Summer)
Spelling and Grammar - FREN232
This course develops the student's knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, syntax, and spelling. The teaching method is either deductive (the rules are presented in a systematic way and applied in examples) or inductive (observation and study of a written document followed by deduction by which the student is led to discover, by himself/herself, the rule which is then immediately applied in exercises). (2qh credits | offered Summer)
The French-Speaking World and its Cinema - FREN449
This course practices a kaleidoscope of French and Francophone films via the study of themes, category, and film direction. It is designed both to develop a taste for film analysis and as an introduction to French culture. The course in which extracts of films are shown, works in tandem with the institute's film club. A Francophone film is shown once a month and a foreign one once a quarter. (2qh credits)
Written Comprehension and Expression - FREN122
Based on passages about daily life taken from the textbook, the course develops the understanding of the implicit and explicit content and the broadening of vocabulary and grammatical abilities. Secondly, it gives the fundamentals of written communication through written work in which knowledge and style are put into practice. (2qh credits | offered Summer)